Flavours of the wood menu

Welcome to the fairytale world of foraging, which explores the endless possibilities of wild food, including roots and tree bark. Radical food sustainability goes beyond organic and locally sourced produce.
We went hunting for wild food to offer you a special menu.
The geographical aspect becomes the foundation of food; the environment an edible territory to explore; the woods a place to eat.


  • Roe deer “mocetta” (mountain salami) marinated with birch on a bed of bread and walnut hummus, forest berries, dandelion mayonnaise and rustic juniper-flavoured breadsticks,
  • rustic hemp and blueberry tagliatelle with wild boar morsels, porcini mushroom cruditès and flaked cheese with mountain saffron,
  • grilled venison chop, potatoes with mountain pine and royal gala apples in cooked grape juice,
  • wild berry wafer with Chantilly cream.

I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,
and not, when I came to die,
discover that I
had not lived.
(Henry David Thoreau, quoted from the film The Dead Poets Society)

Book your table at 0464 591033

Interni del ristorante Garden

Garden Restaurant

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