Digital detox in Trentino

digital detox

How to detox from the Internet? The simplest answer is a “digital detox holiday”, in close contact with nature in Trentino, without a cell phone and no contact with technology.

We live in a world always connected, among thousands of interruptions and notifications, controlling social platforms, emails and cell phone all the time. All of this distracts our concentration and runs out of our physical and mental energies. Through the digital detox it is possible to leave work stress and anxiety at home and go back to everyday routines relaxed, reloaded and in shape.

What does Digital Detox mean?

Translated into Italian, Digital Detox means “Digital Detoxification”: it is the time period when an individual refrains from using any digital or electronic device. But don’t worry! This will make the awareness mature that a phase of separation from smartphone, laptop and tablet can only have positive effects on the body and mind.

The Digital Detox gives us the possibility of rediscovering ourselves, sharing happy moments with our family and friends, without thinking of phone calls, business emails and everything that brings us back to the stress of everyday life.

What it means to take a digital detox holiday

The digital detox holiday has the purpose to rediscover your inner balance and reconnect with the world around you. The simplicity of life, in close contact with nature and silence, without internet and television, leads to a digital detoxification, that initially can scare, but, already in the short term, leads to savour again all the sensations related to the nature.

Where you can regenerate in Trentino: The Silenthia Chalet in Val Concei

The Ledro Valley, in Trentino, is characterized by unspoilt nature where you can play sports, go for long walks and enjoy natural landscapes: a perfect destination for a digital detox holiday to start again without stress. At the Silenthia Chalet, in Val Concei, time stopped. Here there is no television, no Wifi connection and it is possible to experience first hand the simplicity of mountain life, savouring silence and smells of a time.

The park outside is the oasis where you can do yoga, read a book, walk barefoot on the grass (barefooting) or hug a tree (tree hugging): the benefits of being in touch with nature will affect both the body and spirit.

Useful courses, books and apps to detox from the smartphone and get your focus back

The Digital detox shouldn’t be experienced only during a holiday: to continue to feel its benefits, it is important to follow certain rules even when you return to everyday working life. Smartphones, laptops and tablets are essential during your day, but it is important that you don’t get overwhelmed.

So, here’s some useful books, courses and apps to take back your life and detox from an excessive usage of technology:

  • A course in order to recharge life and to restore well-being: Workshop Digital Felix;
  • The book Digital Detox of Alessio Carciofi “Non devi eliminare il digitale. Devi solo imparare a viverlo meglio” (“You don’t have to remove digital technology. You’ve just got to learn to live it better”);
  • Forest app: its aim is to leave room for real life, stopping to control your smartphone all the time. The more virtuous you will be, the more you can make a plant grow from a small seed on your smartphone and over time you can see it grow up in your “virtual garden”.

It is possible to monitor the statistics to see how you are able to focus on other activities without having to continually check your phone.

So, what do you think? Does this make you want to go on holiday and to experiment the Digital Detox? Find out more about The Silenthia Chalet, in Val Concei, your refuge immersed in uncontaminated nature.


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